Thursday, November 2

My Surgery

It has been awhile since I posted and wanted to update everyone on my surgery. On Tuesday, October 17th I had ACL reconstruction surgery on my right knee. I arrived at the hospital around 9:00 AM and checked in and was brought to my room. Marsha arrived shortly after I did, she was dropping Calvin and Kaylee off at the hourly daycare. After changing into the medical gown and robe (sorry no pictures of that) we sat around for awhile. I don't remember the exact time but someone came and led us down to the pre-surgery area. Marsha had to wait in the waiting room while I met with the anesthesiologist and received my IV. Around noon I was wheeled out of this room and apparently saw Marsha one more time before I was taken into surgery but don't remember that. Marsha said when I saw her I asked, "Who are you?" According to Marsha I was joking because the doctors told me earlier I may not recognize her when medicated. Not really sure how long the surgery lasted but around 5:30 PM Marsha was notified she could see me. I can remember seing her and the kids in the room but don't remember saying too much because of the drugs.

Anatomy of the knee (Click for larger view)The doctor said the surgery went well to repair the ACL but their was more damage to the Meniscus (serves as a shock ansorber for the knee) then he knew and he couldn't repair that.

I pretty much slept all Tuesday night, the nurses did a good job of keeping the pain away with the medication (Percocet and Morphine). On Wednesday Marsha arrived around 9:00 and I was released shortly after that. The roads here in the UK are not the greatest so it was a painful ride home but Marsha did a good job of avoiding the big bumps!

Once I got home my bed for the next couple weeks was made on the couch and I was out. After about a week I was able to take off the bandages and finally got to see what my knee looked like again.

Last night I finally decided it was time to head upstairs and sleep in my bed for the first time in two weeks. It was so comfortable I slept for almost 10 hours! I start my Physical Training tomorrow and from what I have heard about it I am not really looking forward to it. I will let you know how it goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Shaved leg look fits you well!!

1:54 PM  
Blogger Jason Culley said...

I am thinking of shaving my legs all the time now! LOL

8:25 PM  
Blogger James Dodge said...

Hey - now your leg looks like Teresa's!

7:54 PM  

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